Here are some photos from Ben’s graduation, which was the last part of our vacation trip. I don’t have much to say except that we had a really nice time with Ben and his girlfriend, Goddard College (and nearby Montpelier) were awesome places, and the commencement ceremony itself was very moving. Anyway, here are the photos:
Some buildings on the Goddard College campus.
Some really interesting stonework on the Goddard College campus.
More interesting stonework at Goddard.
Looking down on the Goddard College campus and hedge maze.
Goddard College Bell Tower from the hedge maze
Emmi talks to one of the graduates about his work.
One of the graduates displays her research
At poster night
A building, now condemned, built by Goddard students without much regard for building codes
A chapel, with a clock tower, at Goddard
Emmi with Ben at his graduation
Ben and family at his graduation
The Graduating Class at Goddard Commencement.
Ben’s advisor introduces him
Listening to his mentor describe his work
Ben talks at his commencement
The graduating Class gets their degrees conferred on them.