On Second Thought

Well, that didn’t take long…

A few days of actually using the Input app, and I’m ready to throw it away and go back to QField, despite QField’s clunky data transfer method. The need to put my collected data into a PostGIS database (without too many hoops to jump through) is more important than I realized, and Input’s data entry UI had a few quirks that just became more unpleasant every time I used it — there was something just plain off about its text boxes and typing…

It’s a shame too, because the Mergin update process was exactly what I wanted. (Input can also handle QR codes as data sources, something I have absolutely no use for — but hey, nerdgasm alert.) Well, QField is eventually supposed to get its own cloud service, maybe they’ll be able to upgrade their data transfer process once they have that in place. My luck, they’ll reproduce Mergin’s setup, and reproduce Mergin’s PostGIS problems along with it.

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