Two For Two, Times Two

We had our second Thanksgiving yesterday with Anne’s mom and some family. Turkey & rice soup, carrot soup, some bread and salads, and desserts of course. Lorraine and Ray stopped in, and Anne’s brother Frank came with Heather & Bruce and their son Isaiah (almost two, and this was the first time I’d seen him in real life), and Nick, and Holly with her boyfriend Chris. What a hoot! That little kid never stopped moving while we all hung out, gabbing and watching him do laps around the house.

(Our “real” Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday was with Lorraine’s daughter Liz and her family, plus Lorraine and Ray. It was a very pleasant and low-key event: too much food, too much dessert, and some fun with the kids and board games afterward. Even the travel — they live outside York — wasn’t all that bad, the roads seemed fairly quiet.)

Meantime, on the yardwork front… I managed to rake the leaves into the street just before the leaf cleanup a week or so ago, and no one parked on our leaf pile this year, and our leaves got taken — and then I managed to do it again, just before the second cleanup on Friday. This time I was “that guy” whose car was blocking the leaves; I moved the car just in time, and watched the giant leaf vacuum truck go by. I told Anne once how I loved watching the garbage men do their thing when I was little, and on Friday she reminded me about it, and laughed and said I hadn’t changed…

I got the leaves done just in time too: the first snow fell last night. Luckily it was just a dusting, a warning shot, and it’s mostly gone already. We’re getting ready to ride the towpath in a few minutes.

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