I Was A Server Bot On Rigel 8…

This post’s title is part of a song in my dream last night, sung in a syncopated, Latin style, maybe a bit like Tom Waits’s “Bye Bye Baby,” by a chubby waitress, who was understood to be at least partly machine, in a diner that was understood to be in space, about a date she went on (with some guy who looked a bit like a cyborg Sam The Butcher). It’s mostly faded now of course, but I woke up with the song in my head, and I just thought I’d document what’s left of it here…

Meanwhile, Reading: I’ve been burning through the “Slow Horses” novels and novellas; I’ve probably read seven or eight by now. Great page-turners, Anne is also reading them and recommended them to me. We were out last night with John and Donna, who are watching the series on TV, and a good part of our evening conversation was about “Slow Horses.”

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