The Eagles of Merrill Creek

Bald Eagle, Merrill Creek Reservoir

We went kayaking at Merrill Creek Reservoir on Sunday, with Anne’s brother and his wife. It was a beautiful day for being outside, and a wonderful way to spend the day. Anne and Joe both brought binoculars and were checking out the local birds, I saw a bunch of turtles sunning themselves on a branch, but the best part was when Anne said “Look up there, a bald eagle!”

It was just above us in a tree, a fully-grown (huge) adult watching the water for fish. We watched it watch the water for about ten minutes before it flew off, and Laura told us she’d heard that there were two nesting pairs of eagles living at the lake with their juvenile children.Not long after, we crossed the lake to another area, and saw another, smaller adult bald eagle, watching the water from a dead tree. Bonus!

After that we paddled back to the boat launch. We were out on the water for about two hours in total, and afterward we got lunch in at a diner Washington, and a beer at a local brewpub before heading home. What a lovely day!