I Had A Good Run But I Run Too Slow

I don’t really know yet if COVID actually, finally, caught up with me, but something laid me low for the past few days. What I have seems mostly like a sinus infection: stuffy nose, chest congestion, slight fever, and just a tired, washed-out feeling. It could be anything really, but Anne just got over COVID and it seems an implausible coincidence that I would come down with something else right now. It feels weird to get it now though, after seeming almost magically immune these past few years, walking fearless through the valley of the shadow…

I tested negative, for what that’s worth — I will take another test in a day or so before I go back out into the world. Meantime, I took my usual cocktail for sinus (Benadryl, Mucinex-D, and Tylenol), sacked out in bed for a day or so, and I’m already feeling better.

What have I been up to? Mostly reading: I picked up Starfish where I left off, which is saying something for my boredom levels — I put it down months ago because it was such an unpleasantly weird psychodrama. Now it doesn’t seem all that bad.

I also have been re-reading SSH: The Definitive Guide, and just got a book on PHP the other day. I’ve been searching for a new tech “sugar high” ever since I got that SSL certification automated. If anything ever makes me a Buddhist, it’ll be the cycle of buzz and crash that defines my relationship with technology.

UPDATE: Yeah it’s COVID. Just took another test.