Back To That Old New Thing

I’m slowly digging out, getting back into some of my usual shenanigans: I went for a towpath ride today (and one several days ago), and I’m about to go upstairs to play my cello — first time in a month that I even took it out of the case…

I also found another computer chew-toy, not so much a new thing as a return to something I was playing with a few years ago: I’m looking at pedestrian crash data using R. This time around, I have my data in a geopackage, and am using a different library to access it, which makes the whole process easier; I’m also limiting myself (mostly) to location data, and keeping the geographic scope limited to Bethlehem, though I am looking at a wider date range: 2013-2023. So far I’m having fun, but who knows when I’ll lose interest?

We have Iris tomorrow, and Wednesday we’re visiting my Mom — I stop in to help her out with stuff maybe once a week. We’re also doing some backyard cleanup here, in preparation for the kayak storage racks Anne is building. Life goes on.

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