Some Downtime

I’m out on the town right now on a tour of coffee shops. I’m currently at Johnny’s Bagels, after a visit to Bitty & Beau’s, just tapping away on my laptop and enjoying the human parade in front of me — or “enjoying;” the people near me are squabbling about their food at the moment. Anne is still out of town through tomorrow.

I visited my Mom yesterday. It wasn’t a working visit, just a “visit” visit but I did help her with a few household tech things (printer, etc); I also gave her the digital picture frame I picked up for her a few weeks ago. (I put my photos on it, the ones of my dad I brought to the funeral, and also the ones Chris brought.) I think she was pretty happy with it.

On the way home last night I started thinking about historical markers, especially the ones relating to the Walking Purchase (my drive home essentially follows the route of the walk), so when I go home I went to the Pennsylvania Historical Marker Program, downloaded the Walking Purchase marker data, and added it to the geodatabase I started for the Walking Purchase. (Technically it’s a geopackage, and I currently keep it as part of my Native Paths project. Speaking of which, I am starting to see the end of what I’ve been doing with the native paths. Not sure what comes next.) I was reading “Promised Land” this morning, but that’s a little too depressing to read in big chunks.

I’m getting ready to head back home, and watching the windy street out the window. It looks a lot more like November now, cloudy and blustery, and cool if not absolutely freezing. After weeks of warm and sunny, which was nice at first but became more disquieting as the weeks passed (and the drought conditions, and the wildfires and burn bans worsened), it was a pleasure to have two days of “wintry mix” last week. Even walking in it was nice — of course, I was dressed for it.

Well it’s not raining right now, but I’m dressed for what we do have. Off I go.

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