New Toys

Whelp, I’m now a kayaker…

Anne and I planned to get kayaks as our Christmas presents to each other, and were doing our research when her brother & sister-in-law gave us two of theirs as a gift. We tried to pay them, but they refused — I think we did our part to help them clean their garage out.

We got life jackets and paddles from them too, but we still needed some way to transport the kayaks. We did a little online searching, found some used roof racks for pretty cheap, and installed them just the other day.

Today we put the kayaks on the roof and took them to Mauch Chunk Lake for their “New (To Us) Maiden Voyage.” Driving with them on the roof was a bit unnerving, but they did just fine. We got to the lake, got them in the water, and despite the windiness of the day, we had a great time with our new toys.

So now we have the boats, and (some of) the infrastructure, and we’ve christened them — we are kayak people now!

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