
Me, with River Slaney
Me On Bridge, Slaney River in Background. Bunclody, Ireland 2013

This is my new (new-ish) personal page. I got this site basically to get my own email address, and decided to also see what I can learn by playing with WordPress, but free time is always at a premium so we’ll see what happens.

I blog here, but my blog is more like an online diary, or one of those “family newsletters” you get with a Christmas card sometimes — the kind of blog that Facebook superseded, rather than one of those New Journalism things. I write about whatever interests me enough to write about at the moment, but I expect it’ll be my usual things: bikes, beer, coffee and computers, with some nature journaling sometimes, and maybe things about the books, or music, or movies I like.

I expect that the only visitors here will be friends and family, people who already know me, but for those who just arrived, here’s a little bit about myself: I’m a fifty-something former engineer, living in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley — that’s me in Ireland, in the photo above. My hobbies include bicycling, both road and mountain biking, and playing with computers, though by playing I mean I have fun, but don’t do much that’s actually useful. (I’ve been a Linux user since about 2000, and am currently running Mint.) My wife and I are also home-brewers, and we’re both avid readers. If that didn’t scare you or bore you away, welcome!

By the way, my old site, which will remain as active as ever, can still be found here. In the meantime, stay tuned…

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