Halloween Scene About Town

The Halloween weekend started Friday afternoon with an Oscar Meyer Wienermobile sighting:

Oscar Meyer Weinermobile

Not the best shot I ever took, but there it was in front of me on Freemansburg Avenue so I had to capture the moment.

Saturday was the CAT Halloween Bike Ride. Anne and I raided the last dregs of a Halloween costume pop-up store and scored some fairly disturbing masks, then we rode around town with the usual crew. There were not many people out and about, but we did see some themed backyard parties, here and there in the neighborhoods we passed through. We also saw a few houses where people really outdid themselves with the decorations.

Sunday we participated in Bethlehem’s 100th Annual Halloween Parade, where I got a few shots at the start:

Our quartet met that afternoon, followed immediately by Trick or Treat. It was a weekend!

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