Little Hacks

Just a few simple solutions to life’s little computer problems…


When I post photos on my blog (in photo galleries, like the one here), if the photos have captions they show up when you hover over the photo thumbs. So far so good, but when the caption appeared it was at the top of the thumb, as opposed to appearing at the bottom, and the space used by the caption was much bigger than it needed to be, almost covering the thumbnail image. This has been driving me nuts for about a year; I assumed it had something to do with my offbeat WordPress theme, but yesterday I did some Googling and found people complaining about it, starting abut a year ago — apparently the offending caption styling was related to some WordPress update.

I found several styling fixes posted online, but none seemed to work — it seems that a later WP update might have broken these fixes as well. The nature of these posted solutions gave me an idea though: I used Mozilla’s “inspect element” to get the CSS elements responsible for the captions, and used what I found to come up with a modification that would properly style my gallery figure captions. I added that to my theme’s custom CSS and it worked like a charm.

Here is the new custom CSS that did the job, in case I need it again, or others need it and find themselves here:

.wp-block-gallery.aligncenter .blocks-gallery-item figcaption, .wp-block-gallery.alignleft .blocks-gallery-item figcaption, .wp-block-gallery.alignright .blocks-gallery-item figcaption, .wp-block-gallery .blocks-gallery-item figcaption, .gallery figcaption {
     min-height: 5%;
     left: 0px;
     top: auto;
     height: auto;
     bottom: 0px;
     text-align: center;
     margin: auto;


Fonts have always been a mysterious pain in the butt for me. It doesn’t help that I have hundreds of fonts installed by default, many with similar names and meant mainly for non-Latin alphabets. I was experimenting, searching for the right look for a document, and had to scroll through hundreds of useless fonts while trying to find something to suit me — very frustrating!

I did some Googling, and I found I could just delete font files to get rid of them — but that’s a non-solution since I hate to throw anything away, you never know when you might need the perfect Linear B font…

A little more research, and I eventually found and installed a simple utility called (surprise) “font manager,” which let me enable and disable fonts without deleting them. I spent some time shutting off my nuisance fonts, and now my word processing life is much simpler.

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