Beating The Bounds

I do better with a project and a goal.

– Julie G

We just got back from a nice walk with Sarah & Marc, part of a project we’re doing with them where we walk the perimeter of the City of Bethlehem. We’re doing it in sections, and doing the easier ones right now: last Sunday was an out-and-back on the towpath heading west (maybe 4 miles), and today was (about 6 miles total) up Club Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue, plus getting to and from the city line. A really pleasant walk, both times. (We also did a hike yesterday, about 5.4 miles around Sals, also really pleasant.)

FYI: we’re getting ourselves into hiking shape, because we’ll be doing a week on the AT in April. We plan to do the New Jersey section, probably over seven days or so, with our friend Julie G (who did the Alberta ride with us in 2022). We were all joking about how much better shape we were in before that ride, and how getting ready for it lent structure to our fitness regimens at the time, and came up with this trip as our new project. We’re probably closer to physical readiness right now than not, but there’s a lot of other pieces of the puzzle we have to deal with: backpacks, food & logistics, our actual start & end points, etc. We’re working on all of it.

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